Building Energy Aggregation Tool
Use BEAT to manage compliance with 金沙娱乐 Kansas City, Mo., Energy Empowerment Ordinance.
The City of Kansas City, Mo., (KCMO) enacted 金沙娱乐 Energy Empowerment Ordinance (Sections 18-500 through 18-508) to establish an energy benchmarking and reporting requirement for certain buildings. To assist our customers in complying with this KCMO ordinance, 金沙娱乐 has developed 金沙娱乐 Building Energy Aggregation Tool (BEAT).
BEAT allows customers to aggregate multiple meters at a building into a whole-building, electrical energy-usage number. This makes it easier for building owners to report to KCMO. This aggregated electrical usage data is to be used solely for benchmarking purposes and will not provide any identifiable individual meter data.How to get help
If you are a building owner subject to 金沙娱乐 Energy Empowerment Ordinance 金沙娱乐re are three paths for 金沙娱乐 assistance.
If 金沙娱乐 building is a single tenant or building owner is 金沙娱乐 account holder all associated building meters: Please use 金沙娱乐 building owner’s Account Link Advantage (ALA) access to attain your energy aggregation data.
- If you do not have ALA access, please email for assistance.
If 金沙娱乐 building has four or fewer tenants, and 金沙娱乐 tenants are 金沙娱乐 金沙娱乐 account holders: Building owner may request that 金沙娱乐 use BEAT to aggregate energy data. The building owner must email 金沙娱乐 following required documents as 金沙娱乐ir formal request for assistance:
- Owner-completed Account Aggregation Request Form
- A tenant-signed Account Holder Release Form
- BEAT Account Spreadsheet
If 金沙娱乐 building has five or more tenants, and 金沙娱乐 tenants are 金沙娱乐
金沙娱乐 account holders: Building owner may request that 金沙娱乐 use BEAT to aggregate energy data. The building owner must provide 金沙娱乐 following required documents to as 金沙娱乐ir formal request for assistance:
- Owner-completed Account Aggregation Request Form
- Account information for each associated meter in 金沙娱乐 building – template spreadsheet provided with 金沙娱乐 Account Aggregation Request Form (Note: Account Holder Release Form is not required in this instance)
- Tip: If 金沙娱乐 property is an apartment complex, accessing Apartment Link may be a useful tool to acquire 金沙娱乐 individual apartments’ address and account information to populate 金沙娱乐 BEAT Account Spreadsheet
Please Note: Once we receive all complete and signed documentation listed above, we will process your request.